We’ve collected the common questions and answers we hear about buying, repairing, and shipping bits. For many questions, such as the right bit for your formation or whether your bit can be repaired, you’ll want to send us a picture and give us a call on the phone — we’re known for getting questions answered and bits shipped out extremely quickly.

What are the recommended parameters for drilling with PDC's

These recommended parameters are great place to start. 
Harder formations more weight,  less RPM
Softer formations less weight, more RPM

Weight on bit-----1000 lbs.  Of actual weight on bit per inch of diameter

Circulation--- Minimum of 10 gallons per minute

What kind of drill bits do you offer?

We manufacture Diamond Devil PDC’s and Red Devil drag bits. We sell a complete line of PDC bits, drag bits, rock bits, claw bits, auger bits and other drill bits for:
  • Geo Exchange / Geothermal
  • Geo-Technical
  • Water Well
  • Seismic and Mining
  • Horizontal Directional Drilling
  • Other Drilling Applications

What is your One Day Guarantee?

Palmer Bit Company delivers on its promise of best-in-class customer service. We provide a one day guarantee on drill bit repairs and reconditioning — we'll get you back on the job as soon as possible.
We  have a very large inventory of new bits ready to ship, and can custom build bits to order in usually 1-2 days.
 We also offer 24-hour phone support so when you call, we will answer and get you the help you need. We offer expert problem solving and expedited shipping that reduces your wait time and will get you back in the field.

How durable are your drill bits?

When using the right bit in the right formation with  proper WOB and RPM, Palmer Bits are top of the line in performance.  Call us, and we will help get you  the right bit for your specific needs.

We have bits for numerous different applications, from sticky clay to hard limestone.  Every bit is crafted for your use and requirement by our experienced professionals with top of the line workmanship and skill.  

Why choose Palmer Bit Company?

A lot of companies talk about customer service. Palmer Bit Co. delivers on the promise of customer service through twenty-four-hour phone service, expedited production and shipping, and expert problem-solving. Palmer Bit carries a large inventory in order to meet quick turnaround times because we understand that time spent waiting for a bit, is lost revenue for our customer.

Palmer Bit Co. continues to be the vendor of choice for geothermal,  mining, geo-technical and water well drillers for high-quality bits, superior customer service, and invaluable expertise. We understand and appreciate the nature of the drilling industry.

What type of drill bit should I be using?

When asking that question there are a lot of variables: the formation you are drilling in; the size of hole your drilling;  the size pump you have; if you are drilling with mud or air; and the size of your rig. Call us on our 24 hour phone number and we will help you make the right bit choice. 800-421-2487

Is my bit repairable

We retip and repair all makes and brands of bits.

 Drag bits -- if about 50%  of the pocket where the carbide is seated is still there, it is usually considered retippable.

Rock bits-- there are a lot of variables with rock bits.  Mill tooth rock bits are usually retippable if the bearings are still in good shape.  

PDC's--again if 50% of the pocket is still there where is diamond is, it is usually repairable.
With all bits-- a couple quick pictures on your phone and text them to us or email, we can have a real good idea if repairable and a close estimate on repair costs.  
email to sales@palmerbit.com

How do I send in my bit for repair

328 West 26th Street
Williston ND 58801

PO BOX 4155
Williston ND 58802

Get the most out of your bit.

Contact Us